
Art and Life Successes in 2020

Goodness. I think this will be the third year I have done the 12 days of Christmas with Julie Hedlund. Usually, I start off strong with this, join the 12X12, and then limp along the rest of the year. It’s something of a tradition. I’m not sure I like the limping part, but every year… Read more

Sketching Wonders: Inktober 2017

  My mother has always been so good at visual art that I never thought I would be able to do it. My earliest memories are of her using oils to paint Mt. Rainier while we lived in Sequim. Many years of my childhood passed by in art supply stores where my sister and I… Read more

Dear Readers- I’m going to try too much in this post. I’m going to tell you of youth and beauty, of talent and hard work, and of a failed audition. I’m going to tell you of the Russian, of the day my dad died, the day another dad hugged his daughter, and why teachers matter. It’s… Read more

The other day my son said, “You know you’ve got a LOT of books on writing on your bookshelf. Have you read all of those?” Mostly, I told him. (He wasn’t particularly impressed — just astounded that I could stay focused for that long on reading books about putting words on paper.) And he doesn’t even… Read more

I promised last week to write about deadlines. Sigh. I don’t want to write about deadlines. I spent the last two months working toward two deadlines: an application for a project I would love to do and a fiction contest. I’m tired. And I’m scared. I’m scared the people reading my submissions will laugh. I’m… Read more

Wednesday Wonders

My biggest wonder this week was a winter walk to a nearby ravine. It was a cold and clear day with the sun hovering above the horizon like it does this time of year. Q and I often travel down this path to get ourselves out of the house and into whatever Vitamin D we… Read more

Fear and My Jury Duty

This month I had planned to write about fear and then jury duty happened to me. Again. This is not my first jury duty rodeo. Once when I was in my 20s, I got busy with school and did not read the newspapers or talk much with anyone about current events which made me the… Read more

This Sunday, I’ll run my first organized 10k.  As I type this first very rough draft out my race is sitting before me like a growling dog on a porch. I want to reach out and pet her but I am afraid she might bite my hand off. But even if I fall flat on the… Read more

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