
I once cut in line. It wasn’t that long ago. I was following my six-year-old and eager to see the clouded leopard cubs at the Point Defiance Zoo. Not realizing that the ten-foot wide mass of moving children and parents actually signaled a place to wait patiently, I chased my own little boy up past the… Read more

Two years ago I wrote a long post about the horse road that I love near my home. I ended it by saying that I knew it might not last. It hasn’t. At first I thought the owners of the gravel pit trimmed the blackberry bushes and were done with it. I told my four… Read more

“It’s way too big to be a squirrel,” I said as I looked in the tree. My teenaged son and I were camping near Shelton, WA and sitting by the fire he had been thrilled to build when I had noticed a creature settling into the branches above us. We kept staring and squinting at… Read more

The Horse Road

Out my door and to the left and past the newest development with million dollar homes my boys and I have found a place of wonder. To the east of the road sits a pasture where horses roamed when we first moved here. On the other side, blackberries my sons love to pick crawl over… Read more

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