Dear Readers- I’m going to try too much in this post. I’m going to tell you of youth and beauty, of talent and hard work, and of a failed audition. I’m going to tell you of the Russian, of the day my dad died, the day another dad hugged his daughter, and why teachers matter. It’s… Read more
Have you ever thought you were done? And then you weren’t? Yesterday, I thought, was my last day of this never-ending summer quarter at school. I woke up early, eager to get to the day. I took a shower, fed the critters, and shocked the coffee shop I go to by getting there two hours before… Read more
On Sunday, I drove across the Cascade Mountains to sunny Yakima for a three day teaching conference. In this city my grandparents once called home, I let the sun melt away my everyday stresses and felt my curiosity perk up. While strolling the neighborhood, I discovered churches with large blocks of dark stone rising above the city… Read more
In a change from my usual programming, I am posting a math problem. Which goes to show that you never can tell what you will end up doing in your life. I shared this problem on Facebook: Optional Math Problem (courtesy of the math teacher who shares my office): Use any operation (addition, subtraction, etc.) between… Read more
I’ve finally revised my About Page. It took most of the week to get the written ‘selfie’ into shape, so I’m cross posting it here. I don’t remember the rat’s name. I wish I did. I saw the rat terrier sometime after I’d been chased by the pig. Or maybe it was before. It was, after… Read more
This past week I decided that to become a better teacher, I needed to commit to a language again. This has been on the back of my mind for some time. I’ve had several excellent excuses for not working on my own language learning, including an infant who was not fond of sleeping or letting… Read more