
Storystorm Restart

This year the blog has languished. The submissions have sputtered out. I have a variety of excellent reasons that are so painful I don’t want to get into them. Some of them happened to me like life does. More of them came from inside like the no-good-who-do-you-think-you-are goblins who growl inside all of us. In… Read more

For this new year, I will be sharing the wonders I find when writing my stories. Even when my own words fall short, I find joy in my discoveries about the world around me.  I am still shopping around for a new blog look, but, in the meantime, I wanted to get started with a… Read more

Spoiler Warning: If you haven’t seen Finding Dory and still want to be surprised, don’t read this.  I recently told my English class that I have two sons. One is 17 and the other is 6. This means, I told them, that I have been watching kid movies since 1999. Many of the films numbed my… Read more

A Story Comes to My Kitchen

Last spring, I read The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown for Pierce County Reads. The story wrapped me up, and I couldn’t help but tell my hubby. I told Phil of the rowers from the University of Washington. I told him about the rower Joe Rantz and the odds he beat after taking care of… Read more

(Photos by Alana T) “Listening is an act of love.” Two weeks ago Morf Morford used those words as he told his story right before I had to get up under the lights. Although I can’t find the person he was quoting, somehow the thought calmed me when I sat shivering in my chair in the middle of… Read more

The Seahawks and the words in a story. The two don’t seem to have much in common, but experiencing the buildup to the Superbowl within a few miles of Seattle’s epicenter has me thinking of crazy connections. Many years ago I took a fiction writing class through the University of Washington. The instructor and the… Read more

I often think of decoding grammar as piecing together a giant word filled jigsaw puzzle. A thousand pieces to put together on a kitchen table is really not so daunting compared to the complex ways English and other languages fit together, moving with our new ideas and needs for communication. The analogy somehow helps me… Read more

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