
Soulbooks Last week I was too busy managing Quinton and his mound of glitter on his SoulBook to take pictures of our group for you. (The meeting before I have no excuse. I guess I was just focused on living in the moment.) Fortunately, Billie Jo has done an excellent job of sending me photos… Read more

Ursula K. Le Guin died this week. I had another plan for this post but now she has died and it’s all I want to write about. When I first heard the news on the radio, my heart dropped. I was almost home and my big red van was cresting one of those small hills… Read more

This Sunday is the day! We’ll be crafting our SoulBooks by cutting, gluing, sharing stories, and smiling. All the while, we’ll be remembering what’s most important to us. Here’s what Diane, Ruth, and I worked up for our first day: Introductions and setting an intention for ourselves Share exerpts from Braving the Wilderness by Brene… Read more

Diane, Ruth, and the cats have all been helping me get my SoulBook put together. Here are a few things they’ve taught me: Life is messy. Making a Soulbook requires that I get as organized as I can and then smile when the cats knock over my stack of boxes. (Or at least get over… Read more

  Merry Christmas! If you are looking for something to get you through the dark days of winter, my good friends Diane, Ruth, and I have a gift for you. A few weeks ago, I wrote about Brené Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness and begged you all to read it as an antidote to the raging… Read more

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