October 19, 2018 Today is my mother’s birthday. I thought long about what to do on this day to recognize it and to get myself through it. I decided to make the class I need to help me with the holiday season that starts, for me, today. It is my hope that if you are… Read more
Dear Readers, I cannot yet touch the full subject of losing my mother at the end of May. Most likely, I never will. But I do want to tell you about the beautiful people who have done so much to hold me up. People have mowed my lawn, pulled weeds, packed boxes, bought all the… Read more
I have a beautiful distant relative–my mother’s cousin’s wife. Irene is originally from Germany, tall, and with a presence I love to be around. She has the barest of accents and I only remember English is her other language because her words are so crisp and clean. She is the kind of relative who brings an air of… Read more
Last Sunday, I went to the closing ceremony of the Whitney Memorial United Methodist Church, a congregation of Japanese Americans who voted to shut their doors this spring. I sat in the back of Puyallup United Methodist Church in a different pew from where I sit most Sundays. Here I saw Shirley DeLarme and Ann Berney… Read more
Two years ago I wrote a long post about the horse road that I love near my home. I ended it by saying that I knew it might not last. It hasn’t. At first I thought the owners of the gravel pit trimmed the blackberry bushes and were done with it. I told my four… Read more
My first column in The News Tribune ran last week. In it, I talked about my admiration for Pete Carroll and his leadership of the Seattle Seahawks. After reading it, several people I knew (and many I didn’t) sent me emails telling me how much they liked my work, including my high school English teacher Mrs. Koon. It felt wonderful… Read more