
Emanuel African Methodist Church stands directly behind and across the parking lot from the hotel where my husband and I stayed in Charleston. On our first day, we drug ourselves down the sidewalk, tired and hungry from the cross country flight and peered into the front area where people had left flowers. We wondered why… Read more

While looking up blog designs and doing my research, I checked out the site of an illustrator and writer I really admire. I have loved Debbie Ridpath Ohi ever since I discovered her work in an interview by Dan Blank last year. Debbie has a brilliant idea to but up a badge for wordcounts. She created a badge you can… Read more

This past week I decided that to become a better teacher, I needed to commit to a language again. This has been on the back of my mind for some time. I’ve had several excellent excuses for not working on my own language learning, including an infant who was not fond of sleeping or letting… Read more

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