
To feel more prosperous, give something away. I don’t often feel prosperous and when I first heard this advice, it puzzled me. If you give something precious away, the speaker said, it comes back to you in strange and mysterious ways. Not in a weird manifestation but in a spiritual way. (No one was promising… Read more

Diane, Ruth, and the cats have all been helping me get my SoulBook put together. Here are a few things they’ve taught me: Life is messy. Making a Soulbook requires that I get as organized as I can and then smile when the cats knock over my stack of boxes. (Or at least get over… Read more

  It’s been a hard week or two full of things I can tell my family and friends but not the world in a blog post. I tell you this not to be obnoxious but to find some balance between what we post on Facebook or in a blog with what our lives are really… Read more

On Sunday, I drove across the Cascade Mountains to sunny Yakima for a three day teaching conference. In this city my grandparents once called home, I let the sun melt away my everyday stresses and felt my curiosity perk up. While strolling the neighborhood, I discovered churches with large blocks of  dark stone rising above the city… Read more

I am staring down two deadlines this week so this week’s wonders will be long on pictures and short on words. Flaming Geyser State Park has a very small flame from a natural methane source (in the concrete circle), but the wonder there and at Neely Mansion in the Green River Valley kept us entertained this weekend… Read more

The wonders this week are heavy on the critters I know. My cats love to harass the bird. For the most part, she takes it well, but I do lock them away from her at night so at least she can get a good night’s rest. Ash especially likes to climb up to toast his backside… Read more

Caution: This story involves poop. I have found that poop is always involved when working with little people and animals, so maybe you won’t be surprised. But I thought I should warn you. My friend LeAnna, a horse lady from way back, said: “Fostering kittens is like having a tiny herd of horses in your house… Read more

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