
“What if my cat were a reincarnated dragon?” For years, I’ve been following Debbie Ridpath Ohi, otherwise known as Inkygirl. She has a solid practice of throwing up sketches in Instagram, sometimes even out of food in her #foundobjectart. They are tiny slices of her art that make me smile and a practice that feeds… Read more

      When Quinton first found The Girl she was in a pile of stuffed animals at a rummage sale stacked on shelves taller than I am. From all the bears, doggies, and other critters, Q pulled out a mermaid with pink yarn hair and in a purple bikini. At first, I my heart squeezed… Read more

The first time Glitter saw our yellow lab she hissed and charged, thowing all of her 6 pounds (mostly fur) at his quivering 90 pound dog body. My dog is not thrilled about the newcomers and I can’t say I blame him. The two of them are now beginning to tolerate each other but we like… Read more

My friend Lynn won with the most original way of saying it: “You are taking in a teenaged mom!” I am. Here is Glitter. I fell in love with this very young mama cat at a local animal shelter but couldn’t take her home because she had just had kittens who needed to grow up before they could… Read more

I was cleaning windows this morning when I saw the cat grass I’ve considered planting for years. I thought, “It’s spring. I think I’ll do it this year. Seamus will like it. I started to even go down the path of why I haven’t planted it for all these years: He’d be more encouraged to… Read more

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