Once upon a time, I jumped into the air from a board with a fulcrum that threw me into the air so I could turn sommersaults. I must have done thousands of dives in the four years I spent on the diving team. I only clearly remember the one where I hit my head on… Read more
A wise teacher once laid out all of the English tenses in a way that made sense to me. I am sorry to say that I don’t remember her name. She was a guest lecturer in a class I took through Seattle University. I remember, for some reason, that we were at Seattle Pacific University… Read more
When I was in Germany, I interviewed to teach English as a second language long before I had credentials. This was in (pause for effect) 1992. I had helped in a few EFL classrooms but never studied English grammar the way a second language teacher would. The young beautiful woman interviewing smiled as she asked… Read more