
Art and Life Successes in 2020

Goodness. I think this will be the third year I have done the 12 days of Christmas with Julie Hedlund. Usually, I start off strong with this, join the 12X12, and then limp along the rest of the year. It’s something of a tradition. I’m not sure I like the limping part, but every year… Read more

This week is my spring break. Yesterday, the governor of Washington ordered us to shelter in place, meaning that I’ll only be walking my neighborhood instead of exploring the Franklin Coal Mines in Blackdiamond or going to the Billy Frank Nature Preserve or any other day hike I thought I might do. I’m fortunate to… Read more

I only let myself do jigsaw puzzles on occasion and in the winter because once I start them I cannot do anything else. I find it difficult to make dinner, read a book, talk to my family or even sleep because I so want to find that next piece. The puzzle virtually consumes me. But… Read more

The microphone shook so hard in my right hand that I had to grab it with my left hand to try to steady it. I felt all the usual nervous symptoms–nausea, heart palpitations, and my face was a lovely hue of flaming red. I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t see the faces in the… Read more

This week I listened to Kristen Bell talk about her beliefs and how she has grown and changed in a podcast I’m still enjoying. Even as I admired her wisdom, I couldn’t help but think about how I missed my chance to meet her over an overflowing toilet. It all started when my mother and… Read more

“That anaconda’s body is as big as two of my thighs,” said my teenager. Walking away from the creature in the glass enclosure, we agreed that snakes don’t bother us but this snake–this anaconda with the two-thigh-sized body? She made us think of Kaa from the Jungle Book. And made us feel like Mowgli in… Read more

“What if my cat were a reincarnated dragon?” For years, I’ve been following Debbie Ridpath Ohi, otherwise known as Inkygirl. She has a solid practice of throwing up sketches in Instagram, sometimes even out of food in her #foundobjectart. They are tiny slices of her art that make me smile and a practice that feeds… Read more

Soulbooks Last week I was too busy managing Quinton and his mound of glitter on his SoulBook to take pictures of our group for you. (The meeting before I have no excuse. I guess I was just focused on living in the moment.) Fortunately, Billie Jo has done an excellent job of sending me photos… Read more

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