Children’s author Julie Hedlund, challenged participants of her 12 Days of Christmas for Writers series to post SUCCESSES (rather than resolutions) on our blogs this year. She believes the way New Year’s resolutions are traditionally made come from a place of negativity – what DIDN’T get done or achieved in the previous year.  Instead, she suggests… Read more

There is a repost floating around Facebook now, reminding us all that the holidays aren’t happy for everyone. I don’t need it. I remember. This year is tough with both my parents gone and an older son who is most often far away. Last night, I found something I did need. Desperately. And I didn’t… Read more

The first photo shows my sad and crooked foot BEFORE. Below is my corrected foot with a screw through the top that may or may not set off the security alarms when I get to those metal detectors. We will see. Getting through this has involved many weeks of not using this screwed together foot… Read more

I only let myself do jigsaw puzzles on occasion and in the winter because once I start them I cannot do anything else. I find it difficult to make dinner, read a book, talk to my family or even sleep because I so want to find that next piece. The puzzle virtually consumes me. But… Read more

Healing Wonders: Ocean’s Eight

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFWF9dU5Zc0 I’ve spent a lot of time on the couch while my foot heals from the surgery I had last week. This gave me more than the usual time to watch movies and read books with cats and a dachshund curled up on or next to me. My favorite move of the couch time is… Read more

The Book of Grief Class

Today is November 1st–The Day of the Dead (Dia de Muertos) and All Saints Day. Wikipedia says it has many other names. I think Hallowmas is my favorite from the Christian tradition and Samhain, or summer’s end, from the pre-Christian times. All Souls’ Day follows tomorrow on November 2nd when we remember everyone departed, saintly… Read more

The Wonders of Grief

October 19, 2018 Today is my mother’s birthday. I thought long about what to do on this day to recognize it and to get myself through it. I decided to make the class I need to help me with the holiday season that starts, for me, today. It is my hope that if you are… Read more

The microphone shook so hard in my right hand that I had to grab it with my left hand to try to steady it. I felt all the usual nervous symptoms–nausea, heart palpitations, and my face was a lovely hue of flaming red. I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t see the faces in the… Read more

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